Mae-Lynn Slater's profile

Culture and Branding Video: A Mocumentary and Campaign

Watch the video below

The Nature of Events: A Mocumentary & Campaign. 

The company goal:
To set EventMobi apart from its competitors,I set out to create new marketing content that would appeal to our clientelle (event planners) through humour and show them how much we revere the impact that events have in helping people exchange ideas. I also wanted to show how we empathise with the daily challenges and frustrations that come with planning an event. 

The brand campaign:
By spoofing nature shows like Planet Earth, we set out to show how communication plays a vital role in events and then to lightly hint at how good technology (such as the kind EventMobi provides) can help improve the lives of planners and the event experience for their attendees. To build hype, and increase social sharing, we built a website and campaign to celebrate the video release.

Making the most of a tiny budget:
The biggest challenge in making this video was the lack of budget. As an additional passion project I wanted to work on, the department hadn’t budgeted for it. I had to use fellow employees as actors and scout locations I could use for free. Many of the presentation shots were using old footage from past events the company had attended. We also filmed during company all hands meetings so most of the Toronto office employees are in the video. I decided to capitalise on this and added credits that included each employee’s position in the company so that, if any clients watched to the end, they could put a face to someone they may have been working with over the phone for years.

The outcome:
This was one of our most successful campaigns for social engagment and sharing. Our team even reported that they had been contacted directly by many existing clients who wanted to rave to them and thank them directly for the video.  But more surprising was how much of a boost it was for company morale and culture. What started as my passion project had become something the entire company was excited to be part of and to share. Since its release new employees have sought me out to tell me this video was a big reason why they decided to apply to work at EventMobi.
Culture and Branding Video: A Mocumentary and Campaign

Culture and Branding Video: A Mocumentary and Campaign

This video campaign was used to enforce company brand
