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Manzar Aman

UI/UX & Graphic Designer

ViteSol Software Development Company

Faisalabad, Pakistan

Hire Manzar

UI Design

From US$250

UI Design, short for User Interface Design, is the art of crafting digital interfaces that ensure a seamless, visually appealing, and user-friendly experience. It focuses on layout, color, typography, and interactive elements, facilitating efficient user interaction with websites, apps, and software. UI Design plays a crucial role in enhancing usability and aesthetics.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision

UX Design

From US$200

User Experience (UX) Design is the process of creating digital interfaces that prioritize user satisfaction and efficiency. It centers on understanding user behavior and needs, ensuring intuitive navigation, and optimizing overall interaction. By focusing on empathy and usability, UX Design enhances user engagement and drives a positive digital experience.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision

Web Design

From US$383

Web Design is the art of conceptualizing and crafting the visual and interactive elements of websites. It encompasses layout, typography, color schemes, and user experience. Web designers aim to create visually appealing and user-friendly sites that effectively convey information and engage visitors, ensuring a positive online presence.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision

Mobile App Design

From US$275

Mobile App Design involves creating user interfaces and experiences tailored for smartphones and tablets. It combines functionality, aesthetics, and user-friendly navigation to ensure seamless app interaction. Mobile app designers consider screen sizes, touch controls, and user behavior, aiming to deliver intuitive and visually appealing experiences for users on the go.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision

Social Media Graphics

From US$150

Social Media Graphics are visually compelling assets designed for online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They aim to capture attention, convey messages, and enhance brand presence. These graphics include eye-catching images, engaging infographics, and captivating visuals, driving user interaction and sharing on social media platforms.

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Logo Design

From US$170

Logo Design is the art of crafting distinctive visual symbols that represent a brand's identity and values. It combines creativity and strategy to create a unique and memorable mark. Effective logos leave a lasting impression, fostering brand recognition and trust. They serve as a cornerstone of a company's visual identity.

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions